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Year 1 Blog

Library Opening

Dear families

At the opening ceremony of the new library on January 17, the first children through the door audibly gasped as they finally got to see what's been going on behind the scenes and discover the treasure trove of books inside.

High Hazels reading lead Farhana Ali said: "It started out as a small project but it grew so quickly. We are a big school and we needed to do it justice.

"It was a lot of work but the estates team have done amazingly and the attention to detail is amazing. Even the radiators are beautiful."

Ms Elliott said: Reading is at the core of our curriculum. Our phonics and whole class reading sessions are designed to make sure all our pupils are able to read fluently and proficiently by the time they leave Y6.

The opening ceremony on January 17 also included a reading and workshop with Sheffield children's author/illustrator Bethan Woollvin.

Sheffield Star attended the opening event, the link for the full article and amazing photos click here

Library Opening


Twisted Tales

Year 3 are writing twisted tales. To help them generate ideas they were given special boxes with random objects relating to a fairytales. This inspired us to tell the tale from a different viewpoint.

Twisted Tales


Medieval Banquet

"The FS2 children have had a busy morning decorating crowns and goblets ready for their royal banquet this afternoon." 

Medieval Banquet


Y6 Board Game Club

Our Y6 board games club is underway! We really enjoyed learning a new game, working together and, of course, getting competitive! 

Y6 Board Game Club



Curriculum Newsletters

Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 2023-2024.pdf Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter Summer 1 2023-2024
Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2 2023-2024.pdf Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 2 2023-2024
Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2023-2024.pdf Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 2023-2024
Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2023-2024.pdf Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 2023-2024
Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2023-2024.pdf Y1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1 2023-2024

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