Here at High Hazels Academy we are committed to ensuring quality play opportunities are available to all our children. Play is an integral part of the school day and, on average, takes up 20% of a child’s time in school: around 1.4 years of their primary school life!
We are working with OPAL to provide amazing opportunities for play for all the children.
At High Hazels, we recognise play as a way for children to explore and connect with the world around them. Therefore, it is our duty to ensure our site, staff and skills optimise the most fulfilling and rich play opportunities possible during breaktimes and lunchtimes. In doing so, we aim to highlight the interconnection between play, learning, development, health and happiness.
Many of our best childhood memories are from playing outdoors, climbing trees and exploring the wide world around us. OPAL creates the opportunity for the children at Brookside to develop those memories too. OPAL is all about using natural and man made resources to allow children to become inspired and creative at playtime.
There are many proven benefits for schools which carry out the OPAL Programme. These include: greater enjoyment of school, less teaching time lost to disputes between children, fewer accidents and greatly improved behaviour. Not only this, but research tells us that children who play outdoors move more, sleep more, eat better, are happier and even care about the planet more.
To find out more about OPAL click here: OPAL Outdoor Play and Learning
Our Play Charter
The UN convention on the Rights of the Child Article 31 makes it a legal obligation for state parties to enact the UN convention. All children and young people have the right to play and need to play; free to choose what they do – lively or relaxed, noisy or quiet – with the chance to stretch and challenge themselves, take risks and enjoy freedom. The right to play is enshrined in Article 31 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. A charter is our promise to you about how we will meet our legal and moral obligations to respect your rights.
We have the right to play and enjoy OPAL. We have the responsibility to make sure everyone enjoys playtime so we have agreed that as a school family we will:
Choose what to play.
Use kind words and kind hands.
Take care of the equipment and share.
Listen to each other.
Keep everyone safe.
Include and help everyone.
Ask for help when we need it.