Dear Parents/Carers
On Friday, 18th October the Year 1 children will be going on a visit to Sheffield Crucible Theatre. This is part of a music project that they children have been involved with. They will see a performance of the story Giddy Goat and be able to join in with the songs. Children will leave school at 9am and will be back in time for home time.
The cost of the visit will be £2.00. This will cover the cost of the bus. Please can parents bring money in a sealed named envelope to the school office at least 1 week before. Please consent for the trip on the arbor app/parental portal.
Children will receive a packed lunch from school. If your child has an allergy, please provide their lunch for them.
They will need to come to school in their uniform.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask any of the Year 1 team.
Yours sincerely
Year 1 team.