Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At High Hazels Academy we are an inclusive school and we value and celebrate neurodiversity. We believe in placing a child’s strengths at the centre of their provision and working in partnership with parents to ensure we have high aspirations for every child. We provide strong quality first teaching with a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which puts developing language at the heart for all children at our school.
High quality teaching for all pupils is central to meeting the needs of every child. Some children will require provision that is additional to or different from the majority of other children. We use a graduated approach to special educational needs as stated in the SEND Code of Practice (2014). We follow the Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle from the earliest stages of monitoring and identification of SEND to children with an Education, Health and Care Plan.
We are committed to providing an inclusive and nurturing environment where all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), can flourish. Our goal is to remove barriers to learning, ensuring every child with SEND accesses a meaningful curriculum tailored to their individual needs.
Class teachers know their children well and adapt teaching and learning to meet the needs of all pupils in the class, including those with special educational needs. It is the role of the Director of Inclusion/SENCo to co-ordinate the provision of SEND. This involves working with outside professionals - Educational Psychologist, Speech and language therapist, Fusion specialist teachers and Hearing and Visions services to provide further support for pupils. The SENCo works in close liaison with parents, teachers and pupils to ensure all pupils have the provision they need to succeed.
The Director of Inclusion/SENCo is Tinuviel Machin-Short
The Assistant SENCo is Rachel Adlington
The Governor responsible for SEND is Halima Hussain
You can find more about their roles and the outside agencies that support school in our parent information Padlet below.
SEND Policy
Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (or SEND) Policy is based upon guidance from the SEND Code of Practice 2014 published by the Department for Education. The link can be found in 2024/2025 information section below.
SEND Information report
Each year every school is required to provide a SEND Information report which will inform you about how the school supports special educational needs. The link can be found in 2024/2025 information section below.
SEND Padlet - Accessing further information
There is also more detailed information about how we as a school support different additional needs and wider access to information about the Sheffield local offer and other services that can support families of children who are neurodivergent or have special educational needs on our SEND Padlet.
SEND padlet link
SEND overview 2024-25

How to contact the SEND team
If parents have any queries or concerns about their child, the best person to discuss any concerns with initially is the class teacher. If you would like to speak to the SENCo or Assistant SENCo you can contact the SEND team by:
Contacting the school office.
Leaving a message on the SENCo option on the school phone line 0114 244 2189.
Emailing school through enquiries@highhazelsacademy.org.uk or inclusion@highhazelsacademy.org.uk
2024-2025 Information
High Hazels Academy SEN Information Report 2024-2025
High Hazels Academy SEN Policy 2024-2025
High Hazels Academy Accessibility Plan 2023-2026