0114 244 2189

Infant, Junior & Secondary School Admission Information

Thank you for considering High Hazels Academy for your child.  We are committed to ensuring that all families are treated with fairness, honesty, courtesy and respect. 

We hope our website gives you a flavour of what we offer. We have regular open events in school which gives parents/carers plenty of opportunities to come into school.  If you would like to arrange a visit to look around our provision, require any information or have any questions you can contact the school office on 0114 2442189 or email admissions@highhazelsacademy.org.uk


 Reception social story


Admission into Foundation Stage 2 (Reception, age 5)

Your child will start Foundation Stage 2 the term before their fifth birthday. They can start full time from September. Part-time options are available for parents who feel that their children are not yet ready for full time school. Please ask at the office for more information. 

There are 90 places (PAN) in our reception class. For further information or any admission enquiries you can contact the school via email:- admissions@highhazelsacademy.org.uk


How to apply

Applications to our Reception class are made through Sheffield City Council’s coordinated admissions process

Applications can be completed online or through application packs which are sent to Nursery children. Online applications close on 8th December 2023 at 12 noon.

The deadline to apply to Sheffield City Council via written application form for an FS2 place is 15th January 2024.  Parents who do not make an on-time application are far less likely to obtain a place at one of their preferred schools.  The Reception allocation day is 16th April 2024. 

Primary school (FS2) application form 2024 - 2025 

It is the parents’ responsibility to apply directly to the Council, but the school can offer support and guidance upon request. Or please  click here to view further information guide for parents.


What to do if a school is over subcribed

If there are more applications than there are places available, applications are subject to oversubscription criteria.  Please click on the link below to view further information regarding this.

Oversubscribed Criteria 2024-2025



Admission into Year 3 (age 8)

Your child does not automatically receive a place in Year 3 at High Hazels Academy even if they have attended our Reception – Year 2. You must apply for a junior place through Sheffield City Council. The deadline to apply online to Sheffield City Council is 8th December 12noon, and the deadline  for a written application is 15th January 2024.  Parents who do not make an on-time application are far less likely to obtain a place at one of their preferred schools.  The Y3 allocation day is 16th April 2024.

Junior school (Y3) application form 2024 - 2025 

It is the parents’ responsibility to apply directly to the Council, but the school can offer support and guidance upon request. Or please  click here to view further information guide for parents.

What to do if a school is over subcribed

If there are more applications than there are places available, applications are subject to oversubscription criteria.  Please click on the link below to view further information regarding this.

Oversubscribed Criteria 2024-2025



Admission to Secondary School (age 11)

Secondary schools admit children from the ages of 11 through to 16. This is known as Key Stages 3 and 4. If the school has a Sixth form, children will stay there until they are 18.
The year groups at Secondary School level are:

Year 7 (age 11 - 12)
Year 8 (age 12 - 13)
Year 9 (age 13 - 14) SATs testing takes place (end of Key Stage 3)
Year 10 (age 14 - 15)
Year 11 (age 15 - 16) The year most students take their GCSE exams (end of Key Stage 4)
Year 12 (age 16 - 17) AS level exams taken in this year (also known as the Lower Sixth)
Year 13 (age 17 - 18) A-Level exams taken in this year (also known as the Upper Sixth)

Starting at a Secondary school is probably the biggest change a child will face in his/her school career, and therefore choosing the right school is paramount.  Secondary Schools have Open Days/Evening where parents/carers and children can visit to get a feel for the schoolAll secondary schools have induction days at the end of the summer term where new pupils entering year 7 can visit the school and meet their teachers and learn where everything is.

Secondary School open dates and times

How to apply

Applications to Secondary Schools are made through Sheffield City Council’s coordinated admissions process. Please click on the link below to apply online.

Online Secondary School Application 2025-2026

Applications can be completed online or through application packs which are sent to Y6 children. Online applications close on Friday 14th October 2024 at 12pm.

Secondary school application form - download version 2025-2026

The deadline to apply to Sheffield City Council via written application form for a Secondary School place is 31st October 2024.  Parents who do not make an on-time application are far less likely to obtain a place at one of their preferred schools.  The national offer day is 3rd March 2025. 

It is parents’ responsibility to apply directly to Sheffield City Council, but the school can offer support and guidance upon request, alternatively please click on the link below to view a parents guide on the application process.

Secondary school application - guide for parents 2025-2026

What to do if a school is over subcribed

If there are more applications than there are places available, applications are subject to oversubscription criteria.  Please click on the link below to view further information regarding this.

Oversubscribed Criteria 2024-2025

Mid Year Applications

Mid year admissions are when children join High Hazels Academy during the school year. To enquire about mid year applications process and information, please contact the school office on 0114 2442189 or by emailing enquiries@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

Admissions Policy

Admissions policy 2023-2024

Admissions policy 2024-2025

United Learning Academy Admissions Policy


Additional Information

Please see links below to the GOV.UK website for further information regarding admission and appeals

Please click here to see some FAQ re admissions





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