0114 244 2189

Get in touch

Thank you for contacting High Hazels Academy


Contact Us

Tel: 0114 244 2189

Email Address: enquiries@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

Address: High Hazels Academy, Fisher Lane, Darnall, SHEFFIELD S9 4RP

Queries from parents, carers and members of public will be dealt with by Wendy Gourlay, School Business Manager. 

If you would like to speak to someone at the academy to ask questions, offer feedback or share concerns, the following people will be delighted to help you:

  • Your child’s teacher;
  • The year group leader;
  • Vice Principal; Mrs H Fazlanie & Miss L Field
  • Assistant Headteacher: Mrs R Mitchell 
  • Principal: Ms Marie Elliott
  • Director of Inclusion; Mrs T Machin-Short
  • Assistant SENCo; Mrs R Adlington
  • EYFS Lead; Mrs H Fazlanie
  • Safeguarding Lead; Mrs S Begum
  • Chair of Governors; Mr S Khan

How to contact our staff teams:

To contact the school office please email:- enquiries@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

To contact our school admissions team please email:-admissions@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

To contact our school attendance team please email:- attendance@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

To contact the Early Years Team (Nursery – FS2) please email:- earlyyears@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

To contact our Special Educational Needs Team:- inclusion@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

To contact our KS1 Team (Y1 – Y2) please email:- KS1-Y1-2@highhazelsacademy.org.uk

To contact our KS2 Team (Y3 – Y6) please email:- KS2-Y3-6@highhazelsacademy.org.uk


How to contact our Chair of Governors:

Our Chair of Governors is Shufqat Khan.  You can write to him at address, High Hazels Academy, Fisher Lane, Sheffield, S9 4RP.  If you wish to email Shufqat, the email address is enquiries@highhazelsacademy.org.uk.  Please hightlight your email for his attention. 

How to contact our SENCO:

Our SENCo lead is Mrs T Machin Short, Mrs Rachel Adlington is our assistant SENCo lead and you can contact them by calling the main school number which is 0114 2442189.  If you wish to email, the email address is inclusion@highhazelsacademy.org.uk.  Please hightlight your email for their attention. 

How to contact your child’s teacher:

Teachers are available at the beginning of every day. Please do pop into class and make an arrangement for a convenient time to talk. Parents’ consultations are scheduled termly.

If you would like to see the Principal:

Appointments may be made to see the Principal by contacting Mrs Rachel Metcalfe, Leadership PA, via the office.

Academy Trust  United Learning

Website address:-https://unitedlearning.org.uk/

United Learning Central Office Address: Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB. 

Tel Number:- 01832 864444 

Requests for copies - If a paper copy of information from the school website is requested this will be provided free of charge.  Please request this by completing the contact us section on this page. 


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