0114 244 2189
   Dear parents Y3 pupils will visit Ponds Forge every Tuesday morning from 11th February - 15th July for swimming lessons. For each lesson your child will need to come to school dressed in their swimwear (underneath their school uniform). They will also need to bring the following: • A towel • A waterproof bag • A change of underwear
   High Hazels friends, staff and families helped raise £1,270 for The Date Project. Many thanks for your kind contributions
   Y2 Darnall Church Visit As part of our Y2 RE unit this term "what questions does the story of creation make us ask" we will be visiting The Church of Christ in Darnall on:- Monday 24th March 1-3pm - Y2 Moonstone and half of Y2 Sunstone Wednesday 26th March 1-3pm - Y2 Diamond and half of Y2 Sunstone If you would like to support our trip as a parent volunteer, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
   Dear families The last day of term will be Thursday 27th March. All pupils will return to school on Tuesday 15th April.
   ⭐⭐ Parents Evening - reminder to book an appointment ⭐ We will hold our Spring parents evening on Tuesday 15th April and Wednesday 16th April 3.30 - 6pm. Parents, please make appointments via the arbor app, or contact the school office if you would like help to do this.
   New School Uniform for September 2024 Dear families, In a bid to make uniform more affordable, we have decided to change our school uniform slightly. Pupils can now wear navy blue sweatshirts/cardigans either with/without the logo, white polo shirt, plain black jogging bottoms/leggings/skirts, black shoes or plain black trainers, children no longer need to wear ties. Girls can wear a pull over type (not loose) scarf in navy or black
   Interested in teacher training?@united_teaching are holding webinars every Wednesday to answer all your burning questions. Find out more and sign up: https://pages.unitedteaching.org.uk/webinars

Welcome to High Hazels...

Welcome to High Hazels!

A very warm welcome!

I am incredibly proud and privileged to lead High Hazels Primary Academy and look forward to welcoming and introducing you to our fantastic team, who are proud to serve Darnall and the surrounding communities.   

We are committed to ensuring the children of this community continue have the best education possible by following the principles of United Learning Framework for Excellence ; The Best from Everyone, Powerful Knowledge, Education with Character, Continuous Improvement, and Leadership in every Role. Therefore, making High Hazels Primary Academy a hub of academic excellence which everyone associated with will be proud of.   

 We are a school who welcome children from two to eleven years old.  Our school is a family where everyone is valued and recognised as an individual. It is a place where talents and interests are nurtured, and all are encouraged to aim to be the very best they can be in all aspects of life. We believe that every child has the ability to shine, given the right care and support and that our similarities and differences are things we celebrate with pride. 

The life of our school is driven by our core values of Respect, Confidence, Enthusiasm, Creativity, Ambition, and Determination. Learning is brought to life through high quality lessons, real life experiences and opportunities to recall and apply knowledge previously learned. Our teaching team uses high quality resources, have the highest expectations for all and instil in our children a belief that anything is possible with hard work, resilience, courage and determination. 

High Hazels Primary Academy is proud to be a part of United Learning; a national group of academies and independent schools that aims to bring out ‘the best in everyone’. Our school shares this belief that every child can thrive given the right teaching and support. 

We hope you find our website both helpful and that it gives you a glimpse of what life is like at High Hazels Primary Academy. Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or a member of our team if you would like to learn more about us. 

Ms Marie Elliott

Latest News

Dear families Please click on the link below to view our weekly newsletter High Hazels Herald - 24th March 2025 Many thanks
 Mon, 24 Mar 2025 08:29:00 GMT

Year 4 pupils showed off their amazing times table skills this week at the Y4 Times table competition at Prince Edwards school. They showed their speedy times tables and teamwork. Well done! Amazing ...
 Fri, 21 Mar 2025 16:00:00 GMT

Our Opal Play project is proving very successful with our children during lunch times. With help from our families we would like to make it even more successful. We are asking for ...
 Fri, 21 Mar 2025 15:45:00 GMT


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